Nokia 8600 Luna - Folders

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The phone saves received messages in the Inbox folder.

Messages that have not yet been sent are saved in the Outbox folder.

To set the phone to save the sent messages in the Sent items folder, see
Save sent messages in General settings p. 43.

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M e s s a g i n g


To save the message that you write and want to send later in the Drafts
folder, select Options > Save message > Drafts.

You can move your messages to the Saved items folder. To organise your
Saved items sub folders, select Menu > Messaging > Saved items. To
add a folder, select Options > Add folder. To delete or rename a folder,
scroll to the desired folder, and select Options > Delete folder or
Rename folder.

Your phone has templates. To create a new template, save a message as
a template. To access the template list, select Menu > Messaging >
Saved items > Templates.